Oak Academy

Careers Strategy

Oak Academy Careers Provider Access Policy – Baker Clause 2023-24

Careers Policy Provider Access Statement 2023-24

Careers Journey Oak 2024-25

The Government’s new Careers StrategyMaking the Most of Everyone’s Skills & Talents, launched in December 2017, puts a new emphasis on high quality careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) within schools:

We want to create a stronger, fairer society in which people from all backgrounds can realise their potential. A thriving careers system, that is accessible to everyone, is at the heart of our focus on social mobility. We must break down the barriers to progress that too many people in our country face today, and give young people the skills to get on in life. Our careers strategy will support everyone, whatever their age, to go as far as their talents will take them and have a rewarding career.

The Rt Hon Anne Milton MP

The Government want:

  • all young people to understand the full range of opportunities available to them, to learn from employers about work and the skills that are valued in the workplace and to have first-hand experience of the workplace;
  • all young people in secondary school and college to get an excellent programme of advice and guidance that is delivered by individuals with the right skills and experience;
  • everyone to get support tailored to their circumstances.

Oak Academy is committed to delivering a Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme which will help all students to develop the skills and knowledge they need to make the right choices for their future. By instilling our career guidance principle of ‘Ambition-drives-Outcome’, we broaden students’ horizons by increasing knowledge and understanding of career and educational opportunities and so build the confidence to achieve goals that may previously have been thought to be unobtainable.

Our Career Strategy is based on the eight Gatsby Benchmarks for high quality CEIAG:

At Oak Academy, all staff have a responsibility to deliver careers advice and guidance no matter their subject area, role or responsibility.  The key staff to contact directly regarding our careers program are as follows:

Mr M Garza, Assistant Vice Principal


Francesca Cox


Amanda Hawkins

 The Careers Team can be contacted on 01202 774600.

Senior Careers Adviser – Francesca Cox and Amanda Hawkins

As professionally qualified Careers Advisers, Ms Cox and Ms Hawkins have extensive experience of providing careers guidance to 13-16 year olds with a wide range of aspirations and plans. They offer individual careers interviews to students, as written into the Careers Policy. The interview will be tailored to the individual student who will receive a detailed Careers Action Plan outlining the discussion and next steps.

Careers & Enterprise Adviser

Helen Rivero has been appointed by the Careers & Enterprise Company to help Oak Academy strengthen links with local industry as our Enterprise Advisor.

The careers team receive regular training and updates and is active in local initiatives and networks including the Careers & Enterprise Company (CEC), Southern Universities Network (SUN), National Careers Service (NCS) and Bournemouth Borough’s 14 – 19 CEIAG Network.

Whether your daughter/son has a clear career plan or is unsure about their future; whether s/he is aiming for sixth form, college, an apprenticeship or university, we will make sure they get the guidance and information they need to make their futures happen.