Oak Academy

Food and Cookery

Food and Cookery Teaching Staff

  • Mr J Wacker: Assistant Vice Principal
  • Mrs S Shinton
  • Mrs E Fury: Food & Cookery Technician

Why is Food and Cookery important?

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.

Virginia Woolf, ‘A Room of One’s Own’

In an age where food is just an ‘app’ away it is hugely important that we instil a love of fresh, home cooked food in our learners. The ability to take a range of humble ingredients and create a nutritious and delicious meal from them is a wonderful thing to behold.

Starting with the basics of peeling, chopping, weighing and cooking simple ingredients, students will explore a rich and varied world of cuisine. In particular we pay close attention to creating wholesome meals following the guidance of the Eatwell plate.

Those who opt to study catering in Key Stage 4 will follow the requirements of the WJEC Vocational award Level 1 and 2 qualifications in Hospitality and Catering. The course covers all aspects of health and safety, hygiene, food groups, healthy eating menu planning and presentation. The course will culminate in an internally set practical assessment that allows the students to apply the knowledge and understanding of the subject they have gained during their practical lessons. They will cook a restaurant standard two course meal with accompaniments.

Teaching and Learning in Food & Cookery

The department use a wide range of teaching and learning approaches to engage students and stimulate their interest in both the practical and the theory aspects of the subject. The majority of work is independent and individual, with work focusing on safely using the equipment and utensils,then presentation of the dish. Taste tests and food reviews play a pivotal role in learners gaining a necessary understanding of the importance of sight, smell, taste and texture. This will inform the students of the use of seasoning, herbs and cooking methods which will give them understanding of how we can improve the palatability of food.

Throughout the course students have the opportunity to explore the traditions and recipes of a wealth of nations, whilst being given the freedom to modify ingredients to fit their own tastes and dietary needs. An understanding of the background of particular foods will be gained along with knowledge of how particular favourites such as Italian pizza have remained so popular in the 21st century. 

Homework gives students the opportunity to demonstrate what they have acquired in lessons or to research new ideas and recipes for upcoming topics. This work undertaken outside of the classroom is a vital element on their journey to become independent learners.

Throughout Years 7 and 8, students cover a wide range of recipes and food groups on the journey to amass the necessary skills required to master the subject. Starting with basics such as fresh fruit salad, they go on to explore herbs and spices in both meat and vegetarian dishes.

Curriculum Vision Food and Cookery

Key Stage 3

The year 7 recipes focus on  the key requirements in catering such as knife skills, rubbing in, boiling, frying and baking. This gives them the base skill set and confidence to operate in the kitchen.

Moving into Year 8 the students expand their repertoire of skills by focussing on advanced knife skills, sauteing, simmering, shallow frying and stir frying. They also begin to design menu entries for the dishes they cook and carry out self-evaluations of the dishes.

In year 9 students add braising, poaching and pastry making to their skill set at the beginning of the year. After this students combine the all of the skills they have acquired to cook and present a set of high skill dishes that could be served in a restaurant.

Key Stage 4

The specification of WJEC Level 1 and 2 Hospitality and Catering requires our learners to produce a portfolio of work that demonstrates their understanding of hygiene, health and safety, seasonal foods, cooking temperatures and planning menus. Written work is continuously underpinned with practical activities allowing the learners to apply their knowledge and understanding. The coursework is externally moderated at regular intervals.

WJEC Specification

Level 1/2 Hospitality and Catering (wjec.co.uk)