Oak Academy

Rewards and Behaviour for Learning

Recognising and rewarding student achievement is at the heart of our approach to positive behaviour for learning.

The rewarding of student achievement lies at the heart of Oak Academy’s behaviour policy. We all love being rewarded for the things that we do well and students at Oak Academy are no different!

We reward everyone in a variety of ways to ensure that regardless of students’ abilities and interests, there is always something for which they can be recognised. Behaviours that will be rewarded are linked to our Student Code of Conduct which all underlie Oak Academy’s culture and ethos.

  • Respect
  • Kindness
  • Excellence
  • Courage
  • Community

The consistent award of achievement points by staff is the starting point for our rewards system. These provide our students with opportunities to be recognised and praised for their academic achievements, progress, behaviour, contributions to the school and wider community and for positive attendance.

Students are praised  at school for their positive effort and enthusiasm during tutor time and through weekly and  end of term assemblies. Texts, postcards home and social media are also used regularly to  communicate our student successes with our parent/carers.

Rewards events take place termly and canteen vouchers are frequently given for either  positive attendance, effort, or progress.

Star badges are also awarded to KS3 students who excel in areas such as: effort, learning, sport and through their work on behalf of the academic community.

These incentives are used to motivate and recognise our students’ outstanding achievements along with the daily recognition of verbal praise and congratulations for all the things that they do well.

We make no apology for setting high standards when it comes to uniform, attendance, punctuality, behaviour, and the quality of work that students are required to achieve to be a member of our school community and receive recognition for it. We will always reward students for the things that they do well, whilst addressing areas for improvement using a firm, transparent and clear Behaviour Policy to ensure the smooth daily running of the Academy’s core business – teaching and learning.

Perhaps most importantly, we will always seek to encourage students to reflect and accept guidance about how to make a better choice next time.

Summer Term Rewards Trip 2023 - Information to come out shortly

Previous rewards can be seen in our newsletters, for example T4