Oak Academy

Young Carers Information

Oak Academy recognises that some students may have a caring role at home and at times, they may require additional support.

We strongly believe that every young person deserves to be seen and heard and at Oak Academy we aim to provide an open and supportive environment for our Young Carers who may have extra responsibilities at home.

We are passionate about ensuring you have the support you need to manage your responsibilities at home, school work and being a successful and happy individual in your own right.

Young carers are people under 18 who provide care for another person. This care can include practical or emotional support, and another person can be anyone within the same family, whether they are an adult or child.

Oak Academy are extremely privileged to work closely with MYTIME Young Carers Charity who offer our young carers with additional support, opportunities, guidance and a chance to make new friends.

If your child is a young carer and you would like any additional information or would like to discuss this, please do contact Miss Amy Frampton, Young Carers Lead – jenni.philipps@oak-academy.co.uk

Oak Young Carers

MYTIME Safeguarding Policy

MYTIME Sustainability Policy